Splunk indexer processes data it receives from the forwarder and organizes it, then stores them as events
Search head is used to search through the indexed logs, you can also use it to create visualizations of the data
Splunk forwarder is used to collect data and send it to Splunk.
Splunk's searches can be accessed via the search tab. Example page is below:
As you can see above, a basic search page is shown. You can change the timeline using the dropdown menu to adjust accordingly. Within the search bar, you can enter your search terms.
Splunk has a query language called "Search Processing Language" and follows the syntax as such. This query language follows a structure where searches are made extremely easy (similar to Kibana Query Language), but also incorporates a lot of functionality through the use of commands (similar to Structured Query Language) and fields. Splunk searches can take a bit to complete, wait about a minute or so before moving on from a potential search
Splunk's commands can be found here: Splunk commands
An example search query is:
index="MyIndex" src_ip= dst_ip= sourcetype="stream:smtp" GeraldThe above search uses the index "MyIndex", the "MyIndex" index has the fields "src_ip" and "dst_ip" configured. The sourcetype field identifies an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) stream, and we are searching for the string "Gerald"
To simplify: We are searching for e-mail traffic between the two hosts above which contain the string "Gerald" in "MyIndex"
Helpful Splunk Query Language Commands: