Enum4Linux is a tool that can be used to enumerate the protocols that are used to communicate with a target. It is a "passive" tool that can be used with any target.
enum4linux -S -u specifies "shares" (SMB)
-u: is url (IP)
Cheat sheet: https://highon.coffee/blog/enum4linux-cheat-sheet/
NMAP is a network mapping tool designed to show hosts andtheir corresponding network/device information accross subnets. Refer to the man page man nmap for all flags available
nmap -sV -O -vv -T3 -p 0-10000 specifies version detection
-O: specifies OS detection
-vv: specifies verbose output (very verbose)
-T3: specifies the speed of the scan
-p: specifies port list/port range (-p- for all ports)
The ip can also be given a CIDR, to indicate a subnet, you can also separate IPs and IPs with subnets with commas
nmap -p 445 --script=smb-enum-shares.nse,smb-enum-users.nse specifies ports
--script is the built-in or external script for nmap to use, in this case the smb-enum-shares and smb-ennum-users scripts to get SMB information
A full list of built-in NMAP scripts can be found here
You can output nmap in several formats.
-oN for normal output
-oX for XML output (metasploit!)
-oG for Grepable output
Some other important flags:
By default, a privileged user executes -sS, and a non-privileged user executes -sT
Dnsenum is a tool that can be used to enumerate DNS information on a target
dnsenum is a tool that can be used to enumerate DNS information on a target
dig AAAA- AAAA: can be any DNS type to lookup (Ex. A, MX, CNAMe, etc.)
RPCClient is a tool used for enumerating network shares and gathering smb information
rpcclient -U "" -N specifies username
-N: specifies "No password"
Once RPCClient is running, you can use several commands to gain information about the target
enumdomusers - Shows the domain users
enumdomgroups - Shows the domain groups
queryuser username - Shows the user and their SID
? - Shows the list of commands