System Enumeration
sysinfo - Get system (OS) information
getuid - Get current user information
ps - List running processes
hashdump - Dump password hashes
getprivs - Dump your current user's privileges
pgrep process - Get information about a running process
show mount - Shows mounted drives with drive information
ifconfig - Get information about network interfaces
netstat - Get network connections
route - Get routing table
arp - Get ARP table
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn - Will return a list of installed updates w/ HotFix URL
query user - Get logged in users
net user - List all users
net user username - Get information about a user
net localgroup - List local groups
net localgroup groupname - List members of a local group and information about the group
whoami /priv - Get privilege information about the current user
ipconfig /all - Get information about all network interfaces
route print - Get routing table
arp -a - Get ARP table
netstat -ano - Get network connections
netsh firewall show state - Get firewall state
netsh advfirewall firewall show PROPERTY - Get firewall information (advanced)
net start - Show running services
wmic service list brief - List running services with statuses
tasklist /SVC - List running processes with services in correlation to the process
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v- List scheduled tasks (verbose)
where /r c:\ file.txt - List files in C:\ and all subdirectories with matching name of file.txt
uname -a - Get system information
hostname - Get hostname
cat /etc/*release - Get OS information
cat /etc/hosts - Show local host resolution
cat /etc/passwd - List all users
env - Show environment variables
lscpu - Get CPU information
df -h - Get disk usage
id - Get user information
whoami - Get user information
cat /etc/passwd - List all users
cat /etc/group - List all groups
last - Get last logged in users
lastlog - Show all users and their latest log-in history
who - Get currently logged in users
netstat -ano - Get network connections
route - Get routing table
arp -a - Get ARP table
ip as/ifconfig/cat etc/networks - Get IP information
groups - List groups
groups username - Get user groups
cat /etc/resolv.conf - Get DNS information (Will show default gateway)
ps aux - List running processes (Verbose)
top - List running processes (Current, will update in real-time)
crontab -l - List active scheduled tasks
ls -la /etc/cron* - List all scheduled tasks